Encouraging Incentivization

In this episode Brandon and James chat about incentive structures in games. James proposes a taxonomy for mechanical incentives and Brandon, a trained behaviorist, pokes a lot of holes in that theory. They come around to a solid conclusion. ...
In this episode Brandon and James chat about incentive structures in games. James proposes a taxonomy for mechanical incentives and Brandon, a trained behaviorist, pokes a lot of holes in that theory. They come around to a solid conclusion.
Hereis the original Incentives Reddit thread James was reading.
Between when we recorded and when these notes were written Reddit user FreeXenon write ahelpful summaryof the Fate Point economy and some guidelines.
Games mentions in this episode:
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Music for the show is
There It Is Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License